But first... here's my two cents!
This is a little exercise I have my expecting couples do prior to the baby's arrival. It's a yummy one!
Each person gets one piece of paper. On that paper write "10 reasons why I love you". For example:
1. I love you because_____________
And once you've written down 10, then write down "5 things you do that makes me feel loved". For example:
1. You make me feel loved when you____________
Once you're done place both pieces of paper on the refrigerator. And from time to time go back to it and try to do one of those things. It's a reminder of why your other half is so important to you. And this will be SO important when the baby arrives! Cause you both will be consumed in baby land.
For more baby prep ideas, you may want to check this out. How Making A Baby Plan Can Help Make Your Relationship Strong Here is what other parents had to say...
What is the best advice you can give to first time parents?
My mom gave me the best advice: you are going to make mistakes - you have to forgive yourself.
The best advice I got was written in a card at my baby shower, and I've since passed it on to every Mom-to-Be since: "Remember YOU are the primary expert on YOUR baby. Everyone has what they believe to be the 'right' way to parent, because that worked for their babies. Find your 'right' and make it your 'right' to see it thru. Don't let grandma's nostalgia for how things were done 'in her day' cloud your judgment and remember that for every article you read, there's another arguing the opposite point. Listen to suggestions and should you take them, make them your own: no two babies are the same."
Every stage passes SO quickly the good & the bad. Enjoy every moment. Spend at least 1x a week a few hours on a date with hubby or treat yourself for alone time. Join mommy or daddy groups for support but trust your instincts because ultimately you will know your child best. Your teenager won't want to sleep in your bed, cuddle your baby!