Amazing Advice For First Time Parents From Experienced Moms and Dads

So a few years ago, a couple was expecting and asked if anyone had advice for first time parents. And lots of experienced moms and dads chimed in. There was some AMAZING ADVICE given and I wanted to share that advice with you because I see so many first time parents struggle in the beginning for different reasons. I think when you hear from other parents who have been there, done that... it can help to normalize parenthood. I left out names because I feel the advice speaks for itself. I hope this helps!

But first... here's my two cents!

This is a little exercise I have my expecting couples do prior to the baby's arrival. It's a yummy one!

Each person gets one piece of paper. On that paper write "10 reasons why I love you". For example:

1. I love you because_____________

And once you've written down 10, then write down "5 things you do that makes me feel loved". For example:

1. You make me feel loved when you____________

Once you're done place both pieces of paper on the refrigerator. And from time to time go back to it and try to do one of those things. It's a reminder of why your other half is so important to you. And this will be SO important when the baby arrives! Cause you both will be consumed in baby land.

For more baby prep ideas, you may want to check this out. How Making A Baby Plan Can Help Make Your Relationship Strong Here is what other parents had to say...

What is the best advice you can give to first time parents?

My mom gave me the best advice: you are going to make mistakes - you have to forgive yourself.

The best advice I got was written in a card at my baby shower, and I've since passed it on to every Mom-to-Be since: "Remember YOU are the primary expert on YOUR baby. Everyone has what they believe to be the 'right' way to parent, because that worked for their babies. Find your 'right' and make it your 'right' to see it thru. Don't let grandma's nostalgia for how things were done 'in her day' cloud your judgment and remember that for every article you read, there's another arguing the opposite point. Listen to suggestions and should you take them, make them your own: no two babies are the same."

Every stage passes SO quickly the good & the bad. Enjoy every moment. Spend at least 1x a week a few hours on a date with hubby or treat yourself for alone time. Join mommy or daddy groups for support but trust your instincts because ultimately you will know your child best. Your teenager won't want to sleep in your bed, cuddle your baby!

Work as a TEAM.... TEAM MOM AND DAD! Here is a great pre-baby plan you guys can do. It's so helpful!

Breastfeeding hurts for the first really hurts! But good news is it's only temporary and the outcome is so rewarding. Here is A Breastfeeding Survival Guide The First Two Weeks.

Don't touch your eyes after changing a diaper.

Get a bigger bed...

Feeling guilty is natural. Embrace it and let it go. Mommy guilt, wife guilt, friend guilt, and all the other standards you feel like you aren't fulfilling when the baby is out in the real world.. It's ok.

Be loving toward each other. Try your absolute best to be patient with your significant other. Here are some great relationship tips for parents.

Don't stress over what you read or what people tell you is right or wrong. Take the advice that works for you and your family. Do whatever feels natural for you and your family.

Sleep any chance you get. Ask your spouse to help and be your team mate. Let others babysit and give you adult time with your spouse. Enjoy every minute of snuggle time. Remember it's just the hormones that make you feel the way you feel at times (and exhaustion). Remember your baby is going to grow up at different speeds than others-don't compare. Take your time even just 15 minutes to read or go for a walk and get fresh air. And I can't agree more to trust your internal mommy instinct most.

Let your kids get dirty... They're gonna do it anyway. And it's good for them!

Always remain calm even when it's crazy!!!!

Sleep when baby is sleeping and open communication with partner is key even if you want to vent trust me it helps.....

It gets better...

Relax, you're better at this than you think. Let your maternal instincts tell you what to do. If you think it's going to be hard, then yes, it will be hard.

Appreciate the little things... The softness of your baby's skin, the sound of their cry, their look as their see new things for the first time .... and their yummy breath. Nothing replaces these amazing things! Enjoy every second.

Love is in the small things, the daily choices you make to help and support and encourage and forgive. That applies to your marriage and your children. Daily choices are what make a life. Make your choices intentionally, compassionately, and respectfully for a peaceful, happy home.

The days are long, but the years are fast.

Trust your instinct. My instinct was telling me to do AP (attachment parenting) style parenting before I knew what AP was. But I had friends, family suggesting things like sleep training, bottles, cribs alone...I was lucky to find Dr. Sears, and the AP community really validated my gut!

Babies don't read "the books", so don't expect them to do everything "by the book".

Follow your instinct & try not to let the typically unwarranted advice of others impede on enjoying this precious fleeting moment of new parenthood.

Don't buy too many things-first time parents do that.

Cosleep from day 1. Feed on demand. Forget all those rules about routines and schedules. Enjoy your motherhood by making your own rules and following your god given instincts.

Enjoy every minute, despite the lack of sleep, etc. Every day is a gift and the little one grows and changes so fast!

Question circumcision. Research it.

To mum : Get cooking and cleaning help. You just take care of the baby, sleep and do the things you like.

The first 6 weeks are the hardest.. you will adjust and everything will fall into place. Accept as much help as you can get and SLEEP!

When people ask, what do you need? Ask for meals!!!

Secure help before birth of the baby, Real help. People that will hold the baby in between feedings so you and hubby/partner can get some sleep early on to recover and later to catch up on sleep from the sleepless nights. Most especially if you live far away from family and friends.

People don't remember how old their children were when they give you advice, what works for a 1 year old may be great advice, but if you try to apply it to your 3 month old, it could be disaster!

People don't remember how old their children were when they give you advice, what works for a 1 year old may be great advice, but if you try to apply it to your 3 month old, it could be disaster!

My best advice is... Don't listen to anyone else's advice.

Parenting is not a competition. Don't get sucked into comparing your baby with someone else's or comparing your parenting style with someone else's. Spend your energy enjoying your baby!

Don't read too much. Trust your gut and remember that what works for one baby may not work for the next....

Have a sense of humor!

They will survive let them figure stuff out. Don't worry too much. Don't forget about yourself.

Don't stress, nothing lasts forever. Make sure you stand back and put things in perspective before freaking out! Congrats!

Always remember you are not alone, it's hard, and tomorrow is a new day! It's all worth it as it's the HARDEST JOB you will ever love.

Ask for help. Take it if it is offered big or small. Whether that be somebody bringing you a meal or somebody holding the baby so you can take a shower!

The first 6 weeks were HARD. That being said, I would say give yourself time - time to feel "normal" again - emotionally, physically, relationally (with husband/SO and family), spiritually. Be patient with yourself! You totally deserve i!

Sleep when the baby sleeps! Don't try to be Wonder Woman & do chores during baby's nap time but get some rest then too.

Don't worry about a swing or bouncer chair, some babies never use them! Hold your baby as much as you want to, and don't listen to people who tell you you're spoiling them! A sling and an arm reach co sleeper are items I wish I had invested in early on. Take time to enjoy your baby!!

It's okay if baby accidentally pees on you or poos on you. It will happen!

Be patient and everything doesn't have to be perfect!

Put down the baby expert books, and listen to your baby and instinct. Every baby, and parenting style is different. So do what feels right to you, not what a book tells you to do.

Don't let others to influence the way you raise your baby, do what you feel and know is best! And cherish those moments when your baby is little, they grow way too fast

Everyone remembers the firsts, but try to remember the last as well. You will miss the times when your little one used to fit on you, the toothless grins, etc. Try to not look forward to the next stage and enjoy the one you're in at the moment.

Remember that people have been doing this for years, so don't overthink it.

Relax and take deep breaths!

ALL BABIES ARE DIFFERENT...don't assume that you're baby will do something or be a certain way because you read that's how it's "supposed" to be.

Whatever's happening, good, bad or ugly. It will pass. It really will. No phase will last forever.

MANY people will give you advice, whether they are parents or not. Do what you KNOW in your HEART is the right thing to do.

Trust your instinct!

It's your baby. You don't have to protect anyone's feelings but your child's. Grow a thick skin, and enjoy as much as you can.

Parental instincts are 99% right. Never go with what others tell you worked for them. Do what you feel is right.

Trust your gut!

The first few weeks are the hardest! Don't worry it will pass.

Everything is a phase. When you think you can't take it any more, know that it will pass.

Breastfeed no matter how hard it is the first month it is so worth it. Seek help if you need it.

Do what is right for your family, not what everyone expects/wants you to do! You are living it!

Enjoy life, kids grow up to fast, and no one is a perfect parent, just try your best.

Hire a doula!

Sleep when your baby sleeps.

Always trust your gut!! Always!! Don't try & be super woman or super man. Nobody is perfect. If you need help, need a break, need a shoulder to cry on, ask or accept the offer from someone who wants to help you out. Being a parent is the HARDEST job & sometimes the most un-rewarding, give yourself a break. Learn to apologize, yes to your child, there will be days where you'll lose it & your little one needs to know that it's important to apologize. Most importantly, live everyday & enjoy every moment, even the bad ones, as if it is your last. It goes so fast. Before you know it they'll be grown & it will all be over. From a mom of 3: 18, 17 & 7. Good luck!!

Do all that Attachment Parenting stuff. It works.

Don't listen too much advice follow your heart!

In the whirlwind of suddenly having a being completely dependent on you both... Don't forget to still make time to care for each other xx

SLEEP TRAINING. Not cry it out. But to learn how to self sooth (the baby). I wish someone would of told me sooner about the sleep eat and play.

Keep calm and latch on.

Don't forward face the car seat too soon.

Close the books and listen to your baby. Your mommy instincts are rarely wrong; you just have to listen to them.

Remember it is your body and baby and you have rights! The right to have the birth you want not a doctors. The right to refuse all shots and eye gel. The right to say no if you are uncomfortable with what the doctor tells you! It is your body your baby!

Time moves slower AND faster than ever--just have as much fun as possible.

Everyone has an opinion on everything to do with child rearing . . . Not everyone (or mostly anyone) has earned the right to speak into your family's life. Translation: glean parenting wisdom from sources you trust and love! The rest, take work a grain of salt!

Breastfeed your baby and sleep when your baby does during those early days.

Sleep when your baby sleeps. There will always be a mess to clean up but you'll not be able to make up the sleep time.

There is no one right or wrong way to do things!! Do what's best for you and you're family, and don't worry about what others tell you. Also, seek help if you need it and know that you aren't alone!

Be patient.

Let it go, I mean really do much of what you will stress over won't matter nearly as much as you think and it's just added stress on you. Your baby will sometimes get baby acne, bump his head, refuse healthy meals and none of it means you are doing anything wrong so just let it go.

There is no rule book (sadly) and you have to do what's best for your baby!

Oh wow. If your Pedetrician can't figure out a Real working solution to your baby's problem, go see a specialist & don't worry about what anyone thinks. Be the parent the way you believe in your heart is right!

Don't discount the Cry it Out method for sleep training. That was the best thing that happened to us, and I was HIGHLY against it until I was a walking zombie from waking every 45 min until my son was 6.5 months old

Trust your baby to tell you what he or she needs. Listen to their sounds and cues and answer their calls for cuddles and closeness...always, no matter their age.

All babies cry.....

Just relax and enjoy the time. Don't stress, the baby will be ok!!

Oh and bring depends under ware with you to the hospital! I didn't think I'd need them cause they give you pads and I never peed myself during pregnancy but after delivery...I peed myself for weeks! Ahhh!

Oh and newborn gowns > button up footie pajamas. Buttons are hard at 3 am.


Tons of great advice already. For me, I wish I would have known more about breastfeeding. It was hard. It takes dedication. It HURTS (only for a week or so, but wow!!) but I made it through! I didn't know it was so much work (pumping, feeding on the go,...). I wish I was more prepared mentally and with boob care items, but it was all amazing congratulations!!!!

Only you will know your baby - have the confidence to listen to your instincts.

Make sure you tell each other how much you love each other and hold on to one another. A baby brings so much love and chaos too into a couple's life and with sleep deprivation and attention directed at the baby it is easy to forget the little things we used to do.

Allow others to help. Sleep when baby sleeps (really). Adopt a new definition for "clean house".

You can never hold, cuddle or kiss your baby too much...

You're going to make mistakes and it's ok. Don't be too hard on yourself. We all do our best and that's all you can do.

Don't invest in all the how to books! It's a learning process and every baby is different! If you get offered help from people you trust, accept it!

Embrace each phase, don't struggle against it even when it's hard. Just realize there is no magic formula, your life has changed and it will continue to do so at a rapid pace. It will be hard but it will also be amazing and the amazing will outweigh the hard overall. Don't compare, and try your best not to judge oh and try to join something like a stroller strides or moms walking group, fresh air is good for you and baby and the connections you make with other moms are so important::)

Breastfeeding for a whole year without solid food.

Not all babies have different sounds when they cry so don't worry if you can't tell the difference. Just be calm and try different things til it works. If you can't be calm hand the baby over to your SO and take a breather. Cry if you need to

Don't get advice from strangers on Facebook!

Follow baby cues. Turn your sleeping pattern into theirs then grow out of it together, slowly. Throw away that cot, co-sleep. Tell your husband it's all temporary, nothing lasts forever.

Throw away your previous plans for your baby in favor of your instincts, and treasure every possible moment.

Baby in the bed!! We sleep way better than our friends who crib-train, and there is NOTHING like waking up to your early-morning-sun-dappled, smiling baby to will cherish those special times. Good luck!

Love that baby. Hold that baby..Wear that led grinder beautiful thing! Onesies diapers love and breast milk blanket and sling. That is all you need.

Don't stress out about every single thing you do or don't do right. Just laugh and have fun together! Love is most important

Cherish every moment of your lives together, especially these few moments before your first child is born. They are so beautiful and so loving. And welcome to the best years of your life!

Live in the moment and love it!

Its okay to tell people you need space - say no if people want to come over and you need time alone. You never get this time again.

You know your baby best. Not even your parents know your baby better.

Be forgiving of yourself and reach other. Sleep when you can!

Don't expect anything! Everything you plan will end up being different.

There are a lot of firsts but also a lot of lasts. Cherish each moment, make lots of memories, love your little one and each other, start traditions, trust your gut, don't substitute presents for presence, and oh yeah, hire a doula. Won't regret it.

Have Your baby with YOU everywhere and breastfeed as long as You can!!!!! You will have an amazingly happy baby!!!!!

Someone once told me when I was pregnant to remember You are the parent and they are the child. It's tempting but try to not focus on short term solutions for long term situations. My most valuable rule of thumb. You say what goes.

Don't forget about each other! ...with everything being about baby, it's VERY easy to forget about each other. Thus, greater problems stem from there...

Never say two words: "never" & "always". They don't exist in parenting. Pray a lot & trust that God will help you through each stage. He just will.

Bathe in the tub with your baby.

Eat something while you're in the early stages of labor contractions because ice chips won't cut it later. Applesauce is good!

Enjoy your belly... You will miss, don't be too hard with yourself and trust your instinct.

Listen to your baby and not society. Don't fight with what your baby is trying to tell you. Go with the flow. No phase stays for long!

Trust your instincts and don't blink!

Take them to church. Co sleep or bedshare. Spend as much time with baby as possible. Make videos. Enjoy family time. Build memories to last a lifetime. Enjoy they grow up too fast.

Cherish the moments as much as you can. It really doesn't last as long as it seems when your tired. Step back from the moment occassionally to observe and laugh. Some things are worth capturing in a photo before you clean up.

Everyone will give you advice... Do what works best for you and your baby. It takes time to figure it out, but you will!

It will feel weird the first month after bringing your baby home...go with will not sleep during that time...laugh and enjoy the ride...hold, love and kiss your baby as much as you can during this time...your going to miss it someday...and the two things I couldn't do without...Gripe Water and a Snuggleme!

Just follow your baby's lead, and respond with what comes naturally. Ask for help on errands and housework, so mommy and daddy can just be with baby.

Feed them, Love them and keep then close. That's all that matters:)

Breast feeding is a lot of work at first. You will feel like your life is over and you will only sit and feed the baby from here on out! but it gets way easier and less time consuming around 6 weeks!

Sleep with your baby , have patience with nursing, and don't be afraid to ask for help.

Photos! You have a newborn for a month of which you are most likely in a daze for the whole time. If you want special newborn photos you have 10 days to take them after that they start getting too alert! Book a photographer or plan to have help one day to take some yourself. Google newborn photography tips!! You will be tired and it will be the last thing you feel like doing but you'll have those gorgeous pictures forever! If you want a log of photos as bub grows, plan the first few now, eg a photo every month from birth to whenever in a particular chair or on the same rug, or with an age sign! They change a lot in the first few weeks and you might regret not documenting it for nostalgia!

Take one day at a time and be kind to yourself. It's a journey!

Know that you have the right to informed consent and informed refusal to all things done during labor and delivery. Trust your gut, your body (or your wife's body), and your baby --it knows what to do.

Take shifts at night! Pre-plan them. I never knew what sleep deprivation was till baby came.

Dad, early on in the peace take an active and autonomous role. Mum, let him.

Dad, when baby wakes and should be sleeping. Take that baby and give mum a rest sometimes, they don't always want a feed. I've not met a single dad who got up at 3am to hold the baby and it saddens me.

Sleep now.


Babies cry. It's ok. Take a break and never shake a baby.

Buy a carrier....I love my ergo but there are so many out's my number one baby item I couldn't live without.

A friendly face is what a baby and a child needs...always!

Remember to take some photos with all three of you in them every once in awhile.

To cherish every single moment no matter what. They get big so fast, I remember people telling me that, now 3 children later, oldest 13, I miss those little toes and my sleepless nights, embrace it!

You will get frustrated at your spouse/partner but realize you are in it together and just breathe deep and work through the sleepless nights, blowouts, etc as a team!

*****don't rely on anybody else's advice... what may be "right" for their family may not work for you and yours***

Keep laughing! A positive attitude is everything. And remember that this, too, shall pass whatever it is you are dealing with.

Listen to your intuition. If someone suggests doing something that just doesn't feel right, it probably isn't.

Do the normal things you do around your home for example if the baby is sleeping make noise!!!!!

Sleep now, for it's going to be a thing of the past!

Do what works for Mom and baby...don't sweat the small stuff

Soak in every second of those first few days and weeks, they grow so fast, especially in the first few weeks.

If you can't breastfeed, don't put yourself down.

Always enjoy your child. They grow up very fast.

Every baby is different, one thing that might work for one baby may not work for yours. The first 6 weeks you will feel out of it with lack of sleep and recovery. You will have a bunch of emotions that you could ever know what to do. Your hormones go crazy. But push through them. Breathe. Learn to take quick showers and sleep when baby sleeps, even though you rather watch them sleep. Have patience and hold baby often. Everyone tells you all the good things about the baby and postpartum. Dont worry if things dont feel like rainbows & butterflies. This too shall pass. Most important take lots and lots of pictures -- include yourself. Make memories, they grow so fast. Enjoy the good, bad, and ugly moments! You know your baby best! Be their advocate. Dont explain your motherly decisions to ANYONE. Not their child, not their business.

No matter what needs to be done, sleep while the baby's sleeping! It's crucial to your sanity! Leave the laundry & whatever else. I didn't listen @ first & that was a huge mistake! She's 16 months & I sleep when she sleeps still to this day! Congrats!

Put the camera down. Be present in the moment, not behind a lense.

To father to be; try to help your wife as much as possible because she'll be a real mess in her first days of sleepless nights.

Take tons of pictures and videos of the baby doing nothing. You'll be glad you did.

Bask in the bliss! Even sleepless nights can be blissful ( when you look at your baby, you'll know what I mean).

Take more pictures when he/she is a newborn! Also buy a yoga ball works wonders when you can't get baby to sleep

You can't do everything, so focus on the important stuff and let the rest go. When someone offers to help, take it. Let them clean your house, do your dishes/laundry, bring you a meal. We've forgotten the village mentality as a society, but this is a wonderful time to take advantage of it!

Try not to take score between you and your husband, you will always have a higher score! And keeping score will only hurt your marriage.

Everything washes off with soap and water.

Take it all in- the good the bad and the insane moments you never think will and. They will... And things change, fast. Document as much as you can!

Eat only pure natural food.

Research everything. And trust your instincts.

Don't be afraid to be a little bit crap at it.


Take your watch off and put it in the drawer till you are finished breast feeding one day, and don't try going by the book. Be more flexible, you and baby will be more relaxed.

When in doubt remember the 4 B's: Boob, Bum, Burp, and Bed!

Tummy time from the get go is awesome for your little one....get down on the floor or where they are laying and just enjoy that time watching your little wiggle worm. Some babies squeal in protest while they are on their tummy but it's still important that they do it for a bit everyda. Oh and take other people's advice with a grain of salt, most people mean well but remember it is your kid do what works for you both.

Love the child with all your heart, when they do wrong tell them what and why.

Don't stress, what ever will be will be.

Don't for get about who you are... Away from being mom or wife. Rest! If baby is down paint your nails. Do something for you. There will always be toys to pick up.. Laundry to be folded.. Dishes to wash... Etc. *****REST*****

Never say "no" when someone (you trust) offers to babysit! Alone time, date night..take it!

Don't forget to be a couple as well as parents...Sometimes we tend to forget with all the craziness.

Never lose your sense of humor....sometimes its all you have left.

Don't feel guilty about getting a babysitter for date night. Baby will be fine and you need quality time with spouse/significant other.

Have sex now!!

Don't worry about things beyond your control.

Be prepare as much as possible, take breastfeeding classes!

Don't have lots of visitors...

You are doing the best you can. You and your baby are new at this! Take lots of pics and vids! ♡

In a nutshell: parent the way you think is best because it is! Also advice is nice but remember you don't have to do it that way.

Teach your baby sign language. It is so great for communication before they can talk!

Trust your heart. If it feels wrong, then it probably is. If things get too tough ask for help. You've got this. A miracle is coming your way and you are prepared to do an amazing job. Enjoy your sweet one and smile knowing you're doing ok.

Savour each moment. Giving your baby unconditional love results in a happy baby, well "behaved" child. Stop worrying about how they are "going to turn out". The best thing to do is let kids develop as they are meant to, and that means free of parents pushing their wishes and desires on them.

Organize your entire house now, clear out one kitchen cabinet just for baby's stuff (bottles, food, cups, bowls), take lots of photos and videos and sleep train. Most importantly, soak up and enjoy every second of your baby. The days are long but the years fly by. Congratulations!

Respect your child!

Love every second, hold and be with baby as much as you can, you can't spoil them but this will spoil you and you'll love it.

Sing to him/her a lot.

Hi, I am a first-time mom, my baby is 7 months and three weeks old and it just seemed like yesterday he was born! Enjoy and appreciate every moment with your baby. It might seem as though the day and the crying/fussing will never end but they do. If any problems should occur, (hopefully not!!!) keep calm and do what's best for your baby and don't let anything keep you from doing what you think is best for baby. And lastly don't be afraid to ask for help! You will be tired and upset and tired and sleep deprived and did I say tired, I meant exhausted! Taking a bit of mommy time in order to rest will be beneficial to both you and your family! Good luck and enjoy your little bundle of joy!

Hug them every day. Tell them you love them everyday. It'll pay off big time for all three of you.

Go with the flow..

You will never be perfect so give that idea up now.

Just breathe & sing when in doubt.

There's no one right way to parent and care for a child, trust your instincts and make the best informed decisions that work for your family.

Be compassionate with one another and yourself :)

You don't have to do it all. Make sure you relax, take a nap so that your husband can have daddy bonding time and feel part of this wonderful life altering experience as well.

Dont think you have to do everything everyone is telling you just because it worked for them.

Get a bottle warmer!! Saved our sanity.

Our pediatrician's first advice was the best ever - "You'd have to try pretty hard to really screw up a kid. So don't worry too much, you will do just fine."

Yes... After the first few months it's all "Normal". Love your baby. Your baby is 100% dependent upon you and your love will nurture that child for life!!! It's really all about giving love so your child can in turn give love him or herself! Congrats!!!

Eventually you will sleep again. Not soon, but you will live through it.

Let go of your ideas of how it "should" be and go with the flow. Parenthood is perfectly imperfect! Also remember marriages have ebbs and flows adding children changes many things especially when you are sleep deprived but it gets better. Best of luck! Just lay down and sleep.

T O G E T H E R . Hold each other, enjoy your quiet time alone.

Pace yourself.

Cherish the little things for soon they will grow up and never be so little again. Read to the child daily from whatever book wherever you are (tub, car, doc office) for it will be an important part of their development.

For children any language is the same so if you will show your child some cartoons when he/she will be a bit older choose 1 or 2 foreign languages (french, spanish etc) and let them enjoy it! They will be exposed to different sounds and eventually if they will end up hopefully learning a foreign language it will make them understand different cultures etc. PRICELESS! Not because it enhances brain power but because it make it more likely that they will be good at foreign languages in the future which hopefully will make for more understanding, solidarity in the world.

Trust your Momma instinct! Listen to your baby, they will give you cues! Do what's best for you and your family! Sleep when you can! When things get tough because they will, tell yourself this is just a season and this too shall pass. Nurse until your baby cues you otherwise. Never be afraid to ask for help. Take a breather when it! Mommies need time too. Try not to stress about your body. It took a year to change and it may just take that long or a little longer to change back. Embrace it and love yourself. Enjoy every second of cuddling!! It goes by way too fast!

Don't make any important decisions until you've ALL had a GOOD night of sleep.

You're going to make mistakes! Don't dwell on them and don't let that define you as a bad parent. Every parent makes mistakes like spoiling him or letting them get away with eating chips for breakfast on special occasions.

Accept all help that is offered to you. I got this advice from the pediatrician with my third baby, and it was wonderful to let people help us without feeling guilty or worrying we were taking advantage of them.

Turn off the electronic devices and spend real time with your spouse and kids. Refer to the Baby Book or any Dr. Sears book, when you doubt. Always gave me confidence to believe in myself and great medical advice!

It's like a roller coaster ride. Buckle up well, hold each other's hand, scream really loud, anticipate the exciting parts, try to smile for the camera, bask in the adrenalin rush after the ride. Then smile at each other and realize that the ride is a lot shorter than you think it is and its moments are fleeting. So it is too with baby. God bless!

Listen to advice graciously but member you get to make the decisions.

Start out using Chiropractic! Best decision ever made!

No matter how silly you think your question might and ask the Dr. They understand and it will give you some peace.

I don't know if it is already here but when our first baby was born, we got a card with this text: "The best thing father can do for his children is to love their mother." In our family it has been proved true countless times. Many blessings to this beautiful family.

Do what you believe is best for your child. They will come to you in life for any problems that arise, not the people around you that are going to freely give their opinions. Also Dad, ASK QUESTIONS. If you want to know what's happening during the delivery, ASK QUESTIONS, that is your right as a husband and father.

Enjoy every moment, let kid play and get dirty, and do what works best for you and your child.